I believe I entered all the requests in my list (the ones that satisfy the requirements). So, if you requested, and your freebies were not "caught" by the engine, let me know (before check that you actually satisfy all the requirements...) I might not be able to answer each of you though.
With all that is happening in my life, I will go back to the industry. I will be looking for software engineering positions around September. If you have any pointers, please let me know. Thanks!
I have a freebie in my other blog. Here is the link to the post: http://garden.creativebusyhands.com/2010/12/nasturtium-leaves.html. First freebie I ever made.
http://garden.creativebusyhands.com/2010/12/leaves-so-different.html . Second freebie.
Hope you like them.
First time visitor? Welcome here. Hope you come back. Please, always check the designer's terms of use.
My engine is not perfect. So, sometimes when the engine thinks there is a freebie... well the freebie might not be there... Please, do not blame the designer for that.
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