Saturday, March 10, 2012

Digital Scrapbook (Freebies) found on Sat, 10-Mar-2012 ---> Page 6 Freebies

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1 comment :

  1. Hi!

    Thanks very much! I see that my freebies are up today...4 of them! Hope they generate traffic for us both :)

    It's too bad about losing your domain name; so frustrating when something like that happens. If it's a case that it expired and the hosting service wants an exorbitant amout to take it off of hold, or whatever they call it (that very thing happened to me with GoDaddy, and I see that your page is parked with GoDaddy. It made me mad enough that I didn't deal with GoDaddy for quite a while after)...if you wait them out for a few months your domain name will go back up for sale at regular price and you can get it back again. At that point you can buy it from GoDaddy or any domain hosting service, if that's what you want to do.

    Anyhow, good luck, and feel free to get in touch if you want to compare notes on this problem.

    Very best,


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