Thursday, June 14, 2012

All Freebies found on Jun. 14, 2012

This Post needs LOTS OF BANDWIDTH! There are lots of pictures.

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End Of Today's Freebies Categories. I hope you enjoyed! See you next time.
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  1. Thanks for the links, checked them all, yesterdays to,
    Think i am going to slowly scan all my photos as a backup record in case something happens to my old photos like what happened to my neice, It will take time but a few every week and then i will have a beautiful file of family pictures
    by for now love Christine in Italy xx

  2. i check your website every morning. just my morning routine! always find some really great stuff and they are FREE! thank you for starting my mornings!

  3. Thanks Christine and Susan(?) ! Christine, I did that with some old photos that I borrow from my Mom, and some slides (there was a time that I would have slides made instead of photos on paper... it was much cheaper). I did just what you are saying: a little at a time. When I saw, I was all done. Susan, I am so glad I can bring a little of sunshine to your morning! Thanks so much, Luiza

  4. Thanks for the links! @Christine my grandfather had Alzheimers and it is very hard on everyone. It is great that you had extra photos to replace hers - and a backup is never a bad idea!! @Luiza the thought of get together is such a fantastic one - perhaps someday (it is good to dream)(yes I am a day behind on my responses - yesterday was very long) Hello Susan!


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