Friday, October 19, 2012

All Freebies found on Oct. 19, 2012

This Post needs LOTS OF BANDWIDTH! There are lots of pictures.

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End Of Today's Freebies Categories. I hope you enjoyed! See you next time.
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  1. Thank you for the links love Christine in Italy xx

  2. Thank you for thinks and the relaxation looking at them brings!
    Hope everyone gets to have a good weekend!

    1. Thanks Nancy and Christine. It is nice to hear that this work brings some joy to some people. Yesterday, I received another "email" stating some "not so good" things. I am over these comments (I only need to remove the site from my list :) )... but it is nice to hear positive things. You two have a wonderful evening! Luiza

    2. I love your work of bringing us wonderful freebies, i am so grateful to this blog and have found true friends here, if people can not write good things to thank you they should keep quiet, you are the best love Christine in Italy xx

    3. Thanks Christine. I actually do not mind the "emails" anymore... Most of them are because of the comments I send to the sites that I publish. Because of them, I decided not to send comments anymore, and see what happens.From one side, I feel that I should send, as I am publishing... from another, it might seem spam. So, we will see. I hope you have a great visit to your Mom. Luiza

  3. Luiza, I was going to e-mail you since I thought there might have been a glitch with the comments, but I see why they are no longer being sent. Comments or no comments from you, i'm fine either way. (Also I don't consider it spam)I am ever so grateful for you linking my freebies each day. Thank you for helping people find my site. *Hugs* Liz

    1. Thanks Liz. I am glad that my site is driving traffic to your site. Thanks for your work. Luiza


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