Wednesday, December 26, 2012

All Freebies found on Dec. 26, 2012

This Post needs LOTS OF BANDWIDTH! There are lots of pictures.

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End Of Today's Freebies Categories. I hope you enjoyed! See you next time.
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  1. Thank you for the links,
    Made apple fritters today,
    So quick and simple, they were good.
    Love Christine in italy xx

  2. Thank you for the links!
    My mom and I ran out for a few quick items this morning. There is a storm heading into town so we are having a quiet afternoon ( so quiet I think a nap is next on my to do list!)

    P.S. Cristine - I wish I could taste those apple fritters they sound yummy!

    1. Thanks Nancy and Christine! I LOVE apple fitters... I never make it because it is fried thing... then I go and get McDonalds... :) Go figure! Nancy, I just arrived from my after Christmas shopping... Got the boxes for next year cookies giving.
      Stay safe both of you, Luiza

  3. Hello and Thank you for these great links. I hope that your Christmas went well and that 2013 will be a good year for you and your family...


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