Friday, January 27, 2012

All Freebies found on Jan. 27, 2012

This Post needs LOTS OF BANDWIDTH! There are lots of pictures.

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End Of Today's Freebies Categories. I hope you enjoyed! See you next time.
<------Previous Page


  1. Thanks for the links,
    found a couple of useful things,
    Been printing today,might make some easter cards soon
    Friday today, so wishing everyone a great weekend, love christine in italy xx

  2. I wish I was like Christine - my brain barely registers that Easter exists! I am still scrapping Christmas pictures! I am a procrastinator and long not to be!! Anyway thank you for today's links!

  3. Thanks Christine and Nancy. Nancy I still did not scrap by children's baby pictures... :-) I have the intention, but keep postponing... Have a great day! Luiza

  4. Thank You for the Useful Links, Luiza.
    Thank You too, to All of the Generous Designers!
    Christine, You're So Organised!
    I always end up doing everything at the last minute :)
    Have a Great Weekend Everyone,

  5. Thanks Chris! Where are you from? Luiza


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