Thursday, July 4, 2013

All Freebies found on Jul. 04, 2013

This post needs LOTS OF BANDWIDTH! There are lots of pictures.

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End Of Today's Freebies Categories. I hope you enjoyed! See you next time.
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  1. Thank you for the links,
    The lily on your gardening blog is beautiful,
    Had some rain here but its hot just the same,
    By love Christine in Italy xx

    1. Thans Christine! I keep forgetting to fix the comment thing... I hope to remember. I love my flowers. Yesterday, I ate the first batch of tomatoes from my yard. Delicious!!!! Hope you will have a peaceful day. Luiza

  2. Thank you for the links!

    Mom has a broken heel and bruised ribs and back. They would not keep her and even sent her home once then called and said the heel was broken after all so we had to get her back to hospital :( It will be rough for the next few weeks and we should find out next week if the type of break she has needs surgery.
    Internet seems spotty at my sister's house but boy do I need the links to relax so hope it gets more stable!!

    1. Thanks Nancy! I am so sorry about your Mom. It is sad that the Hospital sent her back home so soon. However, in some ways it is better because of infection. I hope things will get better there for you. Luiza

  3. Hello and Thank you for all the work getting these freebies for us. I hope you have a great weekend...


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