Tuesday, December 30, 2008

About This Blog

1. First Time Viewers

Thanks for visiting my Blog. If you are designer/site owner, please check this post.

If you are looking for new freebies, please browse around, and enjoy. Use the links (Next Page or Next Category) to go through every page/category. Use the ALL to see all the freebies found today.

If you like what you see, please add me to your blog .

2. My Blog Policy

I reject several freebies whenever I decide the freebie is not appropriate (the question I ask myself is: would I like my children to see this? If the answer is may be or no, I do not publish it). I actually remove the blog from my list when that happens. However, errors might happen, and I might miss something that was not appropriate to publish. If this happens, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! I will check and remove the freebie IMMEDIATELY, and also remove the blog from my list. This blog is supposed to be SAFE. Thanks so much.

3. The Links

All the freebies you choose takes you to the actual blog and actual post, and not to the server where you get the freebie. In other words, I do not provide the freebies: the designers do! Each designer have their freebies in some "storage" device. If you do not know how to download a specific freebie, contact the designer. Please, leave some love for those who are making the freebies: it takes a lot of time and work to make them!

If the link does not have a freebie, I would appreciate if you let me know so I can keep improving the engine and my site.

4. Regarding What you See

If the picture depicted does not correspond to the freebie... there are several reasons. I will keep trying to improve the "intelligence" behind getting the right picture-right freebie match. But, it is not a manual process, and mistakes might happen.

Enjoy this blog!

If you want to contact me, instead of sending a comment, feel free to send me an email: