Wednesday, February 29, 2012

All Freebies found on Feb. 29, 2012

This Post needs LOTS OF BANDWIDTH! There are lots of pictures.

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End Of Today's Freebies Categories. I hope you enjoyed! See you next time.
<------Previous Page


  1. Thanks for the links,
    No 5 leaf is cross stiched
    Sunny and warm,long walk with the dog,
    Hope Nancy is feeling better today
    love Christine in italy xx

  2. Thank you for the much needed distraction that comes with looking through all these links!
    The not so good stomach tuned into a flair up of a chronic issue and after being able to take my second dose of meds I am back to feeling like I did yesterday morning which is actually seems good in comparison to most of yesterday. I am proud that I toughed it out and made it through a short work shift!! It has been almost 20 yrs since I had to work through these spells.
    Thank you both for your well wishes! Nancy

  3. Thanks Christine and Nancy. I am so sorry to hear that you are still not feeling very well. Did you get a virus? (like Roravirus... at least that is the name that I know in Brazil...) Hope you feel better tomorrow. Christine, ket me know how the cross stitch is going. Friday, I will double check my final papers with the lawyer, and, then, may be, my "nightmare year" will be able to be behind me, at least legally. Luiza


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