Friday, March 9, 2012

All Freebies found on Mar. 09, 2012

This Post needs LOTS OF BANDWIDTH! There are lots of pictures.

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End Of Today's Freebies Categories. I hope you enjoyed! See you next time.
<------Previous Page


  1. Thank you for the links
    Been on my own all day so have made 3 cards, had all my art stuff out and spread everywhere
    By the way hubby is ok sometimes but a lot of the time he drives me mad, so the lunch yesterday weas nice but no big deal,
    By love Christine in Italy xx

  2. Thank you for the links - I was unable to get on yesterday - our little world was turned upside down and I was too numb from shock and trying to figure out what will come next to even touch the computer. Nancy

  3. Thanks Nancy and Christine. Nancy, I hope you are doing better today! I was in shock for quite a while, and just getting out of it... Life plays tricks on us. My motto nowadays is: God sometimes has to make space for better things to happen to us... Hang in there. Luiza


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